9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Solicitud de descalificación del servicio del jurado

Para poder solicitar una descalificación, debe cumplir uno de los siguientes criterios que se enumeran a continuación. Si no cumple alguno de estos criterios, sólo podrá solicitar un aplazamiento.

Motivo de la descalificación
Motivo de la descalificación

If you selected that you are currently serving as a juror OR I have served as a juror within the last 12 months OR I have reported for jury service this calendar year OR I am scheduled for jury service within the next 12 months: You must attach verification of previous service or upcoming service with this request.

If you selected that you have a serious physical or mental illness and would like to be excused you must attach a statement from a licensed medical provider, mental health provider, or Christian Science practitioner stating you are unable to perform jury service, and the length of the disqualification with this request.  Request For Medical Disqualification Or Postponement From Jury Service (C.R.S. § 13-71-105)

If you selected that you have the sole responsibility for the daily care of a permanently disabled person living in the same household and do not work outside the home you must attach a statement from a licensed medical provider or Christian Science practitioner stating you are unable to perform jury service with the above information with this request.  Request For Caretaker Postponement From Jury Service

If you selected that you are breastfeeding a child and am temporarily unable to leave the child and would like to be excused you must attach a statement from a licensed medical provider or Christian Science practitioner stating you are unable to perform jury service because you are a nursing mother with this request.

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Información de convocatoria
Información de contacto del miembro del jurado
Dirección postal
Dirección residencial
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