9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Community and Educational Resources

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Colorado Judicial Learning Center

Educational Resources

Thank you for your interest in the Colorado court system! We hope that material provided helps you to better understand
our state justice system. If there is anything you need to know that is not contained on this page, please feel free to contact the Office of the State Court Administrator at 720-625-5000.

Learn more about the Colorado Judicial Learning Center.

Colorado Judicial Learning Center

Take a Tour of the Learning Center

The Colorado Judicial Branch has several convenient options for those wishing to learn more about the Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial Center, the Colorado Judicial Learning Center, and the inner workings of the Colorado Judiciary. Guided tours are led by knowledgeable Colorado Supreme Court librarians and volunteer Learning Center staff. Best of all, all tours are free of charge.

Find out more about tours

Learning Center Front Desk.

Volunteer in the Learning Center

The Colorado Judicial Learning Center is an innovative interactive museum-style space dedicated to the Rule of Law. Through exhibits teaching about our Courts, our history, our laws and our Constitution, visitors learn about the Judicial Branch. Volunteers take groups on tours though the Ralph L. Carr Judicial Center, supervise visitors to the Learning Center, and answer questions. Persons who have a legal background are preferred and passing a background check is required. Inquires can be made at: learningcentertours@judicial.state.co.us.

Seated golden statue in the learning center

Questions and Comments

Please direct all Colorado Judicial Learning Center questions to:
2 East 14th Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80203
(720) 625-5168

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