9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Model Criminal Jury Instructions Committee

Colorado Jury Instructions—Criminal (2023)

As part of its commitment to promote equal access to Colorado’s system of justice, the Colorado Supreme Court has published COLJI-Crim. (2023) on this website. The 2023 model jury instructions are available in the following formats:

The 2023 edition was posted online on February 23, 2024. For older versions of the instructions, see the links toward the bottom of the page. Please note that, due to the size of the files, it may take a moment for the documents to open.

For users who have questions about the instructions, they can reach out to the Committee via the following email address: mcjic@judicial.state.co.us

To access the latest version of the Reporter's Online Update, click here (last updated January 3, 2025)

List of authorization orders (click links to read):

To access Committee meeting minutes, click on the following links:

Users may still access the older versions of the instructions via the following links:

Individual PDF chapters of the 2008 pre-Committee instructions are available at the following links: