9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

San Juan County Courthouse

San Juan Courthouse


1557 Greene Street
P O Box 900
Silverton, CO 81433
Estados Unidos


Location Contact Info

Phone: 970-387-5790    

Email: sanjuanclerk@judicial.state.co.us 

Location Hours

Monday: 12-4 p.m.

Tuesday & Thursday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Closed for lunch 12-1)

Wednesday & Friday: CLOSED

Additional Info

If your matter is urgent and you require immediate assistance, please contact the La Plata County Clerk of Court at (970)247-2304. Otherwise, please leave a message at 970-387-5790 or sanjuanclerk@judicial.state.co.us and we will get back to you during business hours.