9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Extending the Expiration Date of a Judgment

These standard instructions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice about your case. If you choose to represent yourself, you are bound by the same rules and procedures as an attorney.

My judgment is about to expire. How do I get more time to collect the money owed to me?

1. Determine when to use this process.

* If you are getting close to the date that your judgment will expire and you have not been able to collect the money, you can ask the court to extend the expiration date. You must do this before your judgment expires.

* If you were awarded a money judgment in County Court, it will expire 6 years from the date of the judgment.

* If you were awarded a money judgment in District Court, it will expire 20 years from the date of the judgment.

2. Identify where to file your paperwork.

* You will file your paperwork with the same court where the case awarding you a money judgment is located. You will also use the same case number.

3. Fill out the correct paperwork.

* You will need the following forms:
   * JDF 113 Motion for Revival of Judgment
   * JDF 114 Notice to Show Cause for Revival of Judgment
   * JDF 125 Order for Revival of Judgment

* For detailed instructions on how to complete these forms, review JDF 112 Instructions for Reviving a Judgment.

* If you are owed money, you are known as the Judgment Creditor.

* The person or business that owes you money is known as the Judgment Debtor.

* When you fill out JDF 113 Motion for Revival of Judgment, you will need to provide information about your judgment as well as what you have done to try to collect the judgment.

* Fill out only the top caption part of JDF 114 Notice to Show Cause for Revival of Judgment and JDF 125 Order for Revival of Judgment.  The court will fill out the rest.

* Take your completed forms to the courthouse and give them to the clerk to file your case.  There is no filing fee.

* After you file your paperwork, the court will fill out the rest of JDF 114 Notice to Show Cause for Revival of Judgment and send it back to you.  The court may ask that you provide a self-addressed stamped envelope.  Check with the court about whether this is required.

4. Serve the paperwork on the person or business that owes you money.

* After you file your paperwork, the court will fill out the rest of JDF 114 Notice to Show Cause for Revival of Judgment and send it back to you.  You will then be required to arrange to deliver a copy of JDF 114 Notice to Show Cause for Revival of Judgment along with JDF 113 Motion for Revival of Judgment to the person or business that owes you money.

* The process of arranging to have these forms delivered is known as personal service.  Refer to the step-by-step instructions on how to arrange for personal service and how to return proof of service to the court.

5. Wait for an answer from the person or business that owes you money.

* After you serve the paperwork on the person or business that owes you money, they will have 14 days from the date of service to answer as to why they think the judgment should not be extended.

* If no answer is filed within 14 days, the court will sign JDF 125 Order for Revival of Judgment allowing the judgment to be extended.

* If an answer is filed by the person or business that owes you money, the court will review the answer along with your paperwork before making a decision.  The court may need to set a hearing.