9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Free Classes & Legal Resources

We are happy to announce that some of the free classes and legal resources are now being offered in-person.

For assistance, call (720) 664-1505 and leave a detailed message, or email bouldercourtselfhelp@judicial.state.co.us.

Divorce/Custody Orientation (now offered in-person)

Thursdays at noon in the Flagstaff Conference Room, 1st floor at the Boulder County Justice Center at 1777 6th St., Boulder. No sign-up or RSVP needed. Please arrive at noon.

Download a PDF presentation:


Divorce/Custody Workshop

Thursdays at 1:00pm in the Flagstaff Conference Room, 1st floor at the Boulder County Justice Center at 1777 6th St., Boulder. No sign-up or RSVP needed. Available only in English. If alternative language needed, please make an appointment for assistance by calling 720-664-1505 or email BoulderCourtSelfHelp@judicial.state.co.us 

Download more information about Domestic Relations free workshop and orientation:

Legal Resources