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9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse
Kit Carson County
13th Judicial District
Kit Carson County
Chief Judge Orders and Directives
2025-1 Administrative Order 2025-1 Order Regarding the Colorado Youth Detention Continuum (CYDC) Operation in the 13th Judicial District
2024-6 Delegation of Authority to a Jury Commissioner to Reschedule & Excuse Jurors
2024-3 Amended Order Regarding Policy & Procedure Regarding the Availability of Lists of Prospective Jurors
2022-2 Administrative Order 2022-2 Second Amended order Regarding 13th Judicial District Procedures for Receiving External Complaints of Judicial Misconduct from Individuals or Entities Who are Not Employees Volunteers or Contractors of Colorado Judicial Dept
2024-5 Administrative Order 2024-5 Rescinding Appointment of Deputy Chief Judge Stevie Gagliano as Acting Chief Judge During Chief Judge Carl McGuire's Mobilization and Deployment
2024-4 Administrative Order 2024-4 Policy and Procedure for Juvenile Detention Emergency Release
2024-2 Administrative Order 2024-2 Procedure for Search Warrants Seeking Medical Records
2024-3 Administrative Order 2024-3 Policy and Procedure Regarding the Availability of Lists of Prospective Jurors and Section 13-71-136, C.R.S
2024-1 Administrative Order 2024-1 Order Rescinding Bond Schedules and Implementing District-Wide Schedule for Title 42 Matters
2021-17 Administrative Order 2021-17 Second Amended Order & Notice Regarding Electronic Filing in District Court & County Court Cases