9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Jury Information

  • Danielle Bodenhorn

    Jury Commissioner
    18th Judicial District
    Arapahoe County
    Primary Email
    Primary Phone

County Announcements


We request that you PLEASE DO NOT COME TO THE COURTHOUSE, to report for jury duty if you have been diagnosed with a respiratory illness, have been in contact with someone who has a respiratory illness within the last 14 days, or are experiencing symptoms of a respiratory illness.  Please contact us prior to your jury service via email at arapahoejury@judicial.state.co.us or by phone at 303-645-6860 to reschedule your jury service.

General Information

In case of INCLEMENT WEATHER, please call 303 645-6604 and listen to the recording for delays or closures BEFORE traveling to the courthouse.

The Courthouse doors open M-F at 7:30 a.m.  General public, including those who require ADA access, will enter at the main entrance between the two courthouses. Jurors will go to Courthouse 1 to report at the Jury Assembly Room 121. You will be going through security screening similar to airport security screening. Please plan accordingly and allow an extra 10-20 minutes to arrive to the jury assembly room on time.

Your jury summons is a legal document. Please read your entire summons.

For reporting information, please check the JURY REPORTING SCHEDULE. If your juror number is required to report, please come to the Jury Assembly room on your scheduled date and within the time range provided.  You cannot be excused on the day of your service.  A typical day of jury service is from 8 AM to 5 PM.  Please fill out your questionnaire and have your entire summons with you when you report. CHILDREN ARE NOT ALLOWED.  If your juror number is excused, you do NOT have to report and this concludes your jury service for the current calendar year.

Disqualifications and postponement requests should be made before your jury service date. Please scroll down to Important Jury Links, Click on Postponement Request or Disqualification Request, and complete the required information. In the Comments box, please provide Monday and Tuesday dates within the next few months when you know you can appear or any other pertinent information. Per Colorado statutes, you are entitled to one postponement per year. In order to expedite processing, please contact us via one form of communication ONLY (E-mail, fax, phone, or US Postal Service), as multiple requests will result in a delayed response time. 

Reading materials and snacks are permitted in the Jury Assembly Room, and there is a smoking patio for your convenience. You will also be filling out an additional questionnaire when you check in. If needed, please be sure to bring your reading glasses. 

The fastest way to reach us is by email: arapahoejury@judicial.state.co.us 

Thank you for your cooperation and for your jury service. 

Jury Reporting Schedule

Arapahoe County Justice Center

Time: 7:30 am
Jurors Needed to Report:

Juror #’s 1426 thru 1730 and all rescheduled jurors are required to report.

Jurors Excused:

Juror #’s 1733 thru 1974 are excused and not required to report.