9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

After your case is filed, did you get a court order to go to mediation? 

Follow these steps:

ODR is not referring parties to a specific mediator. The parties must agree on which mediator they will use.


How Do I Get a Mediator?

To schedule mediation with an ODR contract mediator:  

STEP 1 - Select Mediator: Click here to select a mediator

STEP 2 - Select the district or County in which the case is pending for a list of ODR mediators.


STEP 3 - Select a mediator from the list. You will find their bios here: Click here to see mediator bios 


STEP 4 - Contact the mediator directly to set up mediation. 

  • Please inform the mediator if there is a protection order in place with the other party.
  • Please have your case number, district, and contact information for both parties (telephone numbers, email addresses) available for the mediator.
  • Please let the mediator know if one or both parties need a language interpreter or accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

How much will mediation cost?

Evictions Section: 

New Colorado State Legislation June 2023 
(Landlord and Tenant Mandatory mediation Before an Eviction is filed- HB23-1120) 

Click here to read about: Eviction Mediation before going to Court.


Office of Dispute Resolution Contact Information

Phone Number: 720-625-5940

Email: ODRmediations@judicial.state.co.us